We were required to learn how to program our Hello Boards using Arduino IDE. The assignment given to us was to program the hello board to do something, anything was allowed.
The software we were going to use to program was Arduino IDE. Using the previously made ISP programmer, it was now time to try to program my Hello Board using the ISP Programmer. However, there were some things that I needed to add to the program first. Firstly, I needed to add in the attiny core. This was done by just opening up Arduino IDE, going to file, preferences, and copy pasting the link "http://drazzy.com/package_drazzy.com_index.json" under "Additional Boards Manager URLs".
After that, I proceeded to install attiny core under tools, boards, boards manager.
A simple program was written and used to test if the Hello Board was even programmable in the first place.
After the code was ready, instead of doing the usual way of uploading the program, I used upload using programmer instead, as I am using an ISP programmer.
This is how it turned out.